Residing in São Paulo, Lucyan Miranda is a talented art director from Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. With a journey spanning eight years dedicated to art direction, the last five years have seen him focus on Matte Painting, Post-Production, and Retouching.

His artistic journey is characterized by an unwavering passion for creating and enhancing images, bringing unique visions to life. Specializing in transforming concepts into engaging and aesthetically impactful visual narratives, Lucyan has developed a unique skill set throughout his career. Committed to exploring the nuances of digital art, he continually seeks to innovate and refine his techniques to deliver high-quality work.

Recognized for the ability to create and enhance images in a distinctive way, Lucyan's contributions contribute to the constant evolution of the field of art direction. His residence in São Paulo adds a cosmopolitan dimension to his artistic approach, reflecting the diversity and cultural richness of the city. His commitment to excellence and the relentless pursuit of innovation make him a dedicated and inspiring professional in the realm of digital art.